Easy realistic color pencil Drawing in Sylvan Bay Summer Home Area -  Learn the best sketch for animals, landsscape, portrait & beginners.

Our pencil drawing course can help you learn how to draw people, scenes, and more. With easy-to-follow lessons, you'll be sketching and drawing in no time! If you're just starting with a pencil drawing, one of the first things you'll need to know is how to hold your pencil. The way you hold your pencil can affect the way your drawings look. Here are a few different ways to hold a pencil that will help you get started: The Overhand Grip: This is the most common way to hold a pencil and is how most people learned to hold a pencil in school. To do this, hold the pencil above your thumb and wrap your fingers around it.
The Underhand Grip: This grip is excellent for getting fine detail in your drawings. To do this, hold the pencil under your thumb and use your fingers to guide it.
The Claw Grip: This grip is good for when you need more control over your pencil. Hold the pencil in your palm and use your fingers to hold it in place. Now that you know how to hold your pencil, let's talk about how to make different kinds of lines. The type of line you use can affect the way your drawings look. Here are a few different types of lines you can use in your drawings:
The Stroke: The stroke is the most basic type of line. To make a stroke, simply press down on the pencil and draw a line. The thickness of the line will depend on how hard you press down on the pencil.
Shading: Shading is a great way to add depth and dimension to your drawings. To shade, press down lightly on the pencil and draw a line. The darker the line, the more shading you will add.
The Hatching: Hatching is a great way to add texture to your drawings. To hatch, draw a series of closely spaced lines. The closer the lines are, the more texture you will add.
Crosshatching: Crosshatching is a great way to add texture and shading to your drawings. To crosshatch, draw a series of lines that intersect each other. The more lines you draw, the more texture and shading you will add.
Now that you know how to hold your pencil and make different kinds of lines, explore the course further with us.

✅ TIP:Learn to Draw like a Master Artist ( over 42 hours of easy to follow training videos )

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